A logo with a lousy copy or maybe an unclear design that does not directly communicate what the brand is about. Would you like such a logo? No, right? When you go for the amateur people who are not aware of the rights and wrongs of branding and learn logo designing from unnamed sources, you get this kind of result. When we talk about perfect logo branding, we want professionals to do it for us. Your logo is a gateway to your brand, one minor mistake would just end up giving a wrong message to your customers and they may get the wrong idea.
Would you like that? Definitely, NO.
With the right logo, you can define the whole company, provided it is made in the right way without creating any confusion for the audience. You can be as basic as the symbol or use the registered trademark in your logo, if it is explainable and understandable, your logo is good to go. We all have heard how “a picture speaks a thousand words” with the right kind of logo, you can do just that. Logos are undoubtedly one of the most difficult kinds of designs to make. However, if you hire a professional logo maker, you can get made anything you want.
Following are the reasons why you must hire a professional logo designer for your brand.
1) Creates your Brand Identity
Your logo is one of the most important parts of the overall brand identity, therefore it is important to take a considerable amount of time and effort to ensure your logo is perfect. Your logo explains the brand and becomes a part of your whole identity, one wrong step towards it would just end up giving the whole wrong message to the world about you or your brand. One of the most focused activities of the overall activity is to ensure you are creating the right brand image. The image that the brands depict, and the logo is one of the key elements of the whole process and includes the overall brand identity in it.
Further, it shapes the company vision into a form that represents both the customer and client.
2) Creates Brand Awareness
You and I both have some kind of identity, apart from our name, we do have a body and everything that represents us. People know us because of our existence and one of the reasons why logos are important is to spread awareness about the product. One thing that you see out in the world, you talk about it. If you do not see it at all, how would you know about it? You would not.
It is extremely important to create brand awareness and having the right logo is just the perfect way to do that. They help in differentiating between you and your competitor, you cannot be known in the market due to your competitors. You would be surprised to know that a logo can be a deciding factor when the customer is purchasing your product. Even if you analyze your buying behavior you would see how you prefer buying things with logos more than the regular things.
Read also: Professional Logo Design Process From Start To Finish
3) Set You Apart from Competitors
You do not want to look like your competitors, I mean what is the point of your organization if you are doing exactly what they are doing? What is the point of you being in the position if you are not offering anything “new” to your customers? The more you offer to your customers and the more different you are, the more attracted your customers will be to you.
Your brand identity and how you represent yourself should be at least different from your competitors. Whatever you think sets you apart if it is a new product, a service, or just anything, you can showcase it on your logo.
The main idea of the whole campaign is to design a marketing tactic that can set you apart from your competitors. The main driving force behind it is all the kind of logo you design for your brand. When it is professionally designed, you want something that is more eye-catching, of course, you cannot just depend on the lousy ones made and use them for your branding.
4) Develops Customer’s Trust
Your logo is not just an image that represents your brand, but it explains a lot of things about your organization. It helps in instilling and increasing the level of trust among the customers. To get exceptional trust, you have to design a logo that is self-explanatory and is easier to grasp the whole meaning or purpose of the brand. Once the customer links trust with your logo, you would be surprised to see how fast your brand grows and how exceptionally it performs. And when you see that element in your customers, congratulations! Your graphic designer has done a great job.
5) Maintains Consistency
You need a logo that works exceptionally well throughout the different channels of your communication. One of the biggest mistakes that most designers make is they design a logo for one particular medium, forgetting the other modes of communication. You need a strategy and a logo that does not look odd or too big or small in the other places. Moreover, ones without logo often end up using different logos at different places which is a DISASTER in the marketing language.
Once you have maintained your identity using one logo, stick to it for at least a year or two at the start.
Do not deviate from your logos, it will not only create confusion among your customers but your customers would also lose their trust in your brand. You have your customers believe you that you can provide consistent service and quality. When you are not consistent with your brand image your customers would have a hard time trusting you. Therefore, do not make the mistake of using different logos on different mediums. One logo should be for all and that is the only case you should follow.