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Voice Search Optimization

Voice search optimization: How to Optimizing Your Content for Voice Search

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Optimizing your website for voice search in today’s date is a really important step. Also, it brings one more concern with it which is content optimization. 

It is high time, as we are living in an automated & digital era we need to stay updated with our audiences. Most searches are placed by today’s youngster “GenZ” as they use the internet more so they don’t like to waste their time by writing their queries. 

In this article, you will get to know more about voice search engines & how you can optimize your content to make it rank higher on Google’s first page. 

Let’s dive into that, but first, let’s know the basics of the voice search & how it works.

About Voice Search 

About Voice SearchSource

Voice search is the process where the user doesn’t have to type for search. They just have to activate their voice search and say whatever they have to search. 

About over 50% of the world’s population uses this technology. 

Digital Assistance for example Siri, Alexa, Google Assistance, etc. These technologies have made things easier for users all they just to do is call out their assistant’s name, and it will start to assist them right away.

It’s not as similar to text-based things, It works a little differently.

For example, if you’re typing you are gonna type “ Best coffee cafe near me?”. But on the voice searcher, you will be saying “ Siri, Can you find the best coffee cafe nearby?”.

In some cases Siri won’t say everything loudly, it will give two or three answers to your query. Meanwhile, Google Assistance will provide you with some links to the websites where you can find the info very easily.

The Current numbers are 4.2 billion users that are using a search voice assistant. And by the end of 2024, it will reach 8.4 billion. According to Stats.

Either they want to know, do, or buy. So if you are aware of that you can make your content Voice Search SEO friendly which will eventually be the best for your website.

58% of the population have used voice search assistance to take information about the local business.

Steps To Follow For Content Optimization

Choosing Topic

It is very important to know that in voice search optimization, the content is the most important part. Because that is the way we can rank in SERP, to get the most clicks on our website we should add more relevant keywords. 

Strong Keyword Research

We should do strong research about our product or services and place them to make it renowned in Google’s eye.

Before searching for keywords for your Voice Search Optimization, you should be well aware of your intent. Google has categorized intents into three categories, which are commercial/transactional keywords, informational keywords, and navigational keywords.

This is the backbone of your Voice Search Optimizing to know the intent of your consumer.

Strong Keyword ResearchSource

Try to use long tail keywords more rather than short tail keywords. To make strategies for your Voice Search SEO content you should add long tail keywords to your website.

As it is more beneficial for your content. Also if you want to rank your website higher into Google Voice Search you have to follow the latest trends. 

To get the best voice search SEO results you have to give more time to write content than anything. You have to place long tail keywords as it is more likely to be used by the users.

Long Tail KeywordsSource

Add Other Sections

If you want to get the most traffic from your website, then u should answer the related questions directly on your website. 

For example, add “ The Related Questions “ Or “FAQs” on your website. This way you are adding most of the info for the consumer, which results in they don’t have Google Voice Search for their multiple related questions.

Related Questions

Look at the SERP Results

Search your target voice search keywords in Google & analyze the SERP page to add the best content to your website.

For better results go to SERP features & analyze the data in the best way possible by just adding your voice search keyword on that. 

They kind of look like as shown in the picture below,

SERP Results

Why it is important to analyze the SERP feature?

In 2019, it was found that about 70% of questions were answered through voice search-occupied snippets. 

How do you obtain the feathered snippets? A simple way is to optimize data structure by using schema markup depending on the voice search optimization.

I am giving you an example here just to make things clear for you. For example, if you are writing about “ how to make a Mango dessert? ” you should add a “ Howto “ section on your website’s page code.

It will make everything easier for Google to crawl & index your pages. However, don’t forget to ensure that your website’s content is well-written & it is including some headings, subheadings & titles. 

This does not mean that you should add long paragraphs to your website. No of course only relevant & necessary content should be added to your website.

What Happens When We Search

Users search all the time on Google, no matter where they are at the office, at home, or even in the grocery store. 

They use Google Voice Search to search anything no matter where they are. Most people search with their mobile phones and they often search with “ near me “things. 

Now what happens when they do that is Google uses geolocation data to give the most accurate data it can provide.

You can read more about geolocation & how it works.


For the same search, Apple Maps does the same thing for iPhone users, but in a different way. 

It will take the data from different companies like Foursquare & Yelp.



Now that you have read this article you know the steps of content optimization for voice search. It is not something different from regular content optimization, but a few things & strategies can be various. Voice search optimization further involves the improvement of content on websites to make them readable through voice search. Avoiding the use of complex terms and focus shifted to long tail keywords. The web page has to be optimized for the speed of loading, businesses can enhance the ranking in search and meet the need for operation with voice search.