Social Media Marketing

8 Instagram Tips and Tricks that you MUST adopt for your business

8 Instagram Tips and Tricks that you MUST adopt for your business

Digitalisation has made everything much easier in the recent times, who would have thought an application as simple as Instagram could one day be used as primary marketing medium by the business organisations. You know you can do so much on your Instagram account apart from uploading your selfies only. In today’s digital age if you are a business owner and you do not have any social media presence to allow your customers to reach out to you, then it is almost equivalent to 1995 of not having a phone line. In other words, you are far behind your competitors, and you need to up your game to survive in the market and introduce some

marketing strategies on Instagram.

The platform of Instagram is the most engaging platform with almost one billion active users; comparatively, there is less competition, and the audience there is more involved too. It is a go-to place for people all over the world to upload their videos, photos or even stories every day. With its constant growth, Instagram has introduced new business features as well to make the user experience trouble free for the business owners. Nevertheless, the following are a few Instagram marketing tips for business, if you are planning to excel in your business, and if you aren’t, then what is the point of doing it then? THINK BIG AND INSTAGRAM IT.

1) Catchy bio

Catchy Bio

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Your bio is the first thing that one sees when they visit you, make sure it is attention-grabbing. Instagram bio is synonymous to the elevator pitch, which should be concise, complete and catchy, remember these three Cs. A great Instagram bio must explain the brand and its product/ service, attract the target audience and use a brand tone to connect with the visitors. It is one of the foremost

Instagram promotion tips that. your business MUST follow.

2) Be creative

Be Creative

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Creativity is the best way to keep the audience hooked on to your brand. Be as creative as you can; make sure your attention is on the solution you provide and not the product/service that you sell. Whatever, you are doing, it is essential to look appealing to eyes on Instagram as it is all about the visual content. You can further add Boomerangs and GIFs to explain to your audience about the product or service that you are selling. 

3) Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories

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Instagram stories are not such a new feature; however, the benefits of its use are still practical. You can use this feature to showcase your behind the post activities; you can have your main activity as the post and upload the other related activities on your stories. Additionally, they also allow the business owners to experiment with the new content such as live videos, short videos and photos. You can further tag other accounts in your stories as it is ideal for influencer marketing and collaborators.



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IGTV is one of the best features of Instagram, where you can post long videos. Want to share your overall behind the scenes process? Try IGTV, their videos are longer and provide multiple opportunities to the business owners to create engaging and fresh content for their followers. Moreover, the ‘Following’ feature in IGTV gives easy access to your followers to your juicy content.

5) Use Noticeable Photo

Use Noticeable Photo

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Instagram is all about visual content, the better your pictures are the better your chances are to gain followers and add traffic to your account. Make sure your logo is noticeable in your profile picture, since it is vital for the visitors to identify it immediately when they visit your business profile. 

The logo must be attractive, convey message and minimalistic. Try to adopt “the less the better” approach while you are designing your logo. However, there are not any rights or wrongs in this case or any hard and fast rule to follow. So, do not be a puppet of the society and be innovative on your own.

6) Select a Theme

Select a Theme

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Pay considerable attention to the colour theme or a colour palette for your Instagram page. A few of the best Instagram accounts have a specific color palette that they use for their pots, it helps them in creating a different style. 

Considering your brand in your mind, choose one theme for your Instagram and stick to it. Think about everything that you can add on your Instagram to be aligned with the aesthetics and colours of your brand.

7) Make Captivating Captions

Make Captivating Captions

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The best thing about Instagram in my opinion is its word limit, honestly nobody has got time to read long paragraphs unless they are attention grabbing. Make sure your post captions are to the point and have a flick of humor in it. Trust me humour is the key to attract the customers however, the context of the post must be initially analysed. 

Captions are your best chance to improve the content and there are multiple ways to use this space. Some brand choose to use this space for sharing their back stories. On the other hand, some brands like to be straight forward so they add a snappy little headline with their post. However, what is more important is to ensure that the caption speaks for your brand.

8) Talk to them, not at them

Talk to them, not at them

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You need to make your content more personalized to which your audience can relate, do not spam their feed with all your sales-ey content. Talk to them about their relevant experiences, ask questions on your stories or your feed, this way they will be interacting more with you and engagement on your account will improve. 

Present your business account in more of a human form rather than a corporate form, trust me, there will be more traffic to your account. Instagram algorithm prioritizes the content with greater engagement and you want to appear in the feed of as many accounts as possible. In order to give more of a humanized touch, you can share your user’s pictures [with their consent] using your product/ service on your stories or you can hold different contests. 


Instagram is a vast platform, and there is still a lot you can do to boost your business through it. The use of hashtags is one of the traditional tricks to attract traffic to the website, but it is still applicable. Make your hashtag brand specific and expand your reach. Collaborating with the influencers is another effective marketing technique that most brands are using today. Make sure you implement all these tips to stick out in the market because this is how you grab more audience. If you know any more tricks, enlighten us about them by commenting in the comment section below.

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